Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"Stored" Emotions

Every disease has an emotional component.

When I mentioned this in my previous post, many thought I intended to share the emotions of what I've been going through, but that is not what I was referring to.

When I was first tested, using Electro Dermal Screening (EDS), some of the things detected in my body were certain unresolved negative emotions.

This was a new concept for me and sounded a bit strange to me. I was, however, intrigued with the idea and began to do a bit of research to find out what that was all about. I found that when we do not deal with our emotions in a positive way, they get stored in the body and can actually cause us harm and can eventually result in physical disease.

One of the questions in my mind was "How can emotions turn into physical disease?"

I discovered that our brains and the cells of our body communicate with each other. This was actually something I had heard (or read) before, but I had never associated it with emotions.

You see, emotions cause certain reactions in our bodies. For instance strong fear causes the brain to send a signal to the body to defend itself or run away. Adrenaline is then released in the body.

Adrenaline is a powerful hormone that focuses the brain, sharpens eyesight, and contracts muscles to either fight or run. It increase the heart rate and blood pressure while stopping blood flow to some parts of the body (like the digestive system) and sends the flow to the muscles to prepare the body for it's response. The body doesn't know the reason for the need of extra hormones and doesn't care. It just perceives that there is danger or difficulty and responds quickly.

If this happens for a short period of time, a little burst of adrenaline does more good than harm to the body. However, prolonged bursts of adrenaline can be very harmful.

When long term stress is involved it keeps the hormones pumping on a nearly constant basis. Unresolved anger toward a spouse or an abusive boss can cause a steady flow of adrenaline and cortisol into the bloodstream. The heart rate speeds up and the blood vessels constrict causing high blood pressure and after a while, that becomes the norm.

Over time elevated levels of adrenaline can cause blood to clot faster (causing plaguing in the arteries), the thyroid becomes overly stimulated, triglycerides and blood sugar levels are elevated and the body produces more cholesterol. These are dangers we are all familiar with, however, we never made the connection with unresolved emotions.

Along with adrenaline, another hormone called cortisol is released into the system at the same time and, once again, when it continues to be released long term can cause problems. It has been shown to impair the immune system, increase bone loss, increase fat accumulation, impair memory and destroy brain cells. The impaired immune system is extremely dangerous.

I could go on and on about all problems this causes, but suffice it to say that medical research is showing more and more a connection between emotions and most diseases, not just a few.

So how does this relate to my cancer?

Most people don't realize that cancer cells are common in all people. A healthy immune system will destroy these dangerous cells. But when prolonged reaction to emotions overloads and corrupts the immune system to the point that it cannot do its job efficiently, these cells may escape and do damage. This not only applies to cancer, but to other diseases as well.

Remember the verse in the book of Ephesians that states "...Don't let the sun go down upon your wrath (or anger)"? Kinda brings it home when you know about the damage that can be done if you don't resolve it to the point that the it is not left to be dealt with later.

So how do we deal with it now?
How do we get rid of the emotions that we didn't resolve and are now causing damage to our bodies?

Dr. Don Colbert gives some insight in his book "Deadly Emotions".
He states that all deadly emotions, come from our attitudes. He says, "You can choose to a very great extent how you deal with grief, resentment, bitterness, shame, jealously, guilt, fear, worry, depression, anger, hostility, rage and all other emotional situations that readily trigger physical responses. Own up to the attitudes and beliefs that you have." Take it to God and repent of the attitudes that dictated the wrong choices you made in regard to emotions that you naturally felt when done an injustice or a perceived wrong.
A big part of dealing with a lot of these emotions is forgiveness.
Forgiveness is not for the person being forgiven, but for the forgiver.
Real sincere forgiveness produces real sincere healing even if you are in need of forgiving yourself.

The book "Forgive and Move On" by Ken Sumrall deals with this subject, with letters from real people dealing with actual situations in their lives and how forgiveness played a huge part in dealing with hurts and injustices done to them. This book, I believe, can produce new attitudes in the reader.

Dealing with the Spiritual aspect of these stored emotions is only one aspect of healing. Doing this is essential and will develop attitudes that will keep them from returning.

There is, however, another step that is very important in undoing the damage that has already been done.

I mentioned early on that some of these emotions showed up in my EDS tests. That brings up another of the nagging questions in my mind... How can emotions be detected?

I have always considered emotions to be abstract and not physical. The research that I have since learned of shows that these emotions, just like everything else in our bodies, have an electrical energy and are detected through the individual frequencies they produce.

Since they have a frequency, not only can they be detected, they can be dealt with in the same way as other toxins with frequencies are handled.

I have mentioned in earlier posts that toxins, parasites, heavy metals and toxic chemicals that we have inadvertently allowed into our bodies can be dealt with by using homeopathic remedies and formulas that are derived from herbs and other plants and/or berries that have frequencies that kill or drive them out. The same is true with the negative emotions that get stored in our bodies.

An analogy came to me the other night that this can be thought of in musical terms.

Musical instruments produce vibrations that we recognize as sounds. These vibrations oscillate and create a unique frequency for each note on the musical scale and corresponding octaves. When these frequencies are used together simultaneously, we either get a sound that is pleasant or unpleasant. The pleasant sounds are pleasant because these frequencies are in harmony with one another and fit together in what we call chords. However, some frequencies do not fit with one another and are 'discordant'. These discordant frequencies kill a musical score and render it unusable except in an attempt to drive off anyone within hearing distance.

The frequencies in our bodies are not within our hearing range, however, just like the wind, they still exist and have vibrations that interact with harmony or discord toward each other.

Toxins, parasites, etc... have frequencies that, when introduced into the body, interrupt the flow of electrical resonance that keeps our bodies in balance. When our bodies are in balance, healing can occur, but when it is interrupted, eventually disease takes control.

Sound technicians for rock bands in the seventies and eighties use to (and maybe still do) experiment with frequencies on crowds at concerts, waiting for the performances to begin. Using a frequency generator, they would send these frequencies out through the sound system that, while beyond the range of human hearing, would resonate with the human body in such a way as to work the crowd into a frenzy to prepare them for the concert. You see, there are frequencies that resonate with our bodies that cause our bodies to perceive pleasure, danger, etc... and release corresponding chemicals into the bloodstream to get us excited or alert or relaxed and a myriad of other responses. There are frequencies that can cause nausea or cause the body to release the bowels without warning. The bottom line is that our bodies respond powerfully to electrical stimuli in the form of frequencies.

This analogy is not completely accurate, because positive and negative polarities are also involved that can cancel each other out.

Beyond this explanation we start to get into quantum physics and I am out of my league to continue, but hopefully, you are beginning to understand the logic and science behind what I have said.

In future posts I will deal with more detail about 'clean vs unclean" foods.