Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Meaning of Life

Many have asked for an update on my status.

This being a blog, I guess I should have been adding to this on a regular basis, however, I have gotten into a mind set that if I didn't have anything compelling to write then it wouldn't be worth reading. Perhaps I am wrong.

There has really been no change in status since the last update. I have been tested since then and there are much fewer parasites and toxins in my body, but the cancer is still hanging around in my appendix area. I guess the good news is that it hasn't grown.

I am going to be tested again this weekend and will post the results when I return.

While my relationship with God continues to be good, I sometimes find myself doubting the reason for my existence. I see what is happening to the United States since the socialists have taken control of the leadership and wonder how long before our freedoms are completely taken away. I do not have a desire to live in a socialist society. These thoughts usually come to me when the weather turns nasty and there is no sunshine for days. Those days are mundane and get me to wondering why God didn't take me home when he had the chance.

When the sun returns and my spirit perks up, I realize that God doesn't need a good 'chance'. If he wants to he could take me anytime, therefore, it must mean that he doesn't want to. I suppose this should be enough to rejoice over, but I would rather go on to heaven than 'just exist' on earth.

A life here on earth should have meaning and I believe my meaning comes from serving God and in helping others who are going through what I have been through. That doesn't necessarily mean cancer, but it might.

Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go". Joshua 1:9

Next update on Sunday after my next testing.

1 comment:

  1. Hello From Down Under,
    Have been reading your blog, and am delighted that you have made such good progress using EAV. I am a health practitioner and Registered Nurse, and have worked with this modality for almost 20 years now, and love it !
    Your calling may well be to become an advocate for telling people about the fact that there are OPTIONS for treatment, not just one way. Have you seen Suzanne Somers latest book ' Knockout' ? It's worth a read, and really opens the door on this information, and you may also find it useful for your condition as well.
    Stay strong & focused and above all, rejoice in life!
    Warmest Regards
    Patricia Reed
