Monday, September 28, 2009

Treatment and Results

There are those who say and actually have testimonials of people who have been cured of cancer through diet. To do this they must stop eating foods that have had the nutritional value robbed from them by being 'processed'. These are foods that carry parasites and include heavy metals from chemicals, pesticides and fertilizers or meat that has human growth hormones and antibacterials added.

The other white meat (pork) has a plethera of parasites. Researchers at Florida State University, a number of years ago, placed pork under 7000 degrees (f) of heat. When placed under a microscope afterward, they found parasites still living in the meat. Also, pigs secrete their wastes through pores in their feet, but when these pores get clogged up (mud), the wastes back up into the meat. It's no wonder that God referred to pork as unclean. Bacon anyone?

Cancer has been described to me as being made up of parasites, heavy metals and bacteria banded together in the body. Modern medicine would refer to these as "malignant neoplasms".

I don't doubt some folks have been healed using diet, but to me it seems logical that you can't get rid of bad things in your body simply by not putting more bad stuff into it. So, while I believe an organic diet is a great preventive of disease, I believe there must be some way to get these negative invaders out of our bodies in order to heal. Then we can use diet to maintain.

Research has determined that each of these organisms has its own energy and frequency and can be identified using EDS. Once each has been identified, a treatment can be recommended to get it out or kill it.

Here are the things that have been recommended for me and how that is working for me.
In my case, we need to break up the parasites and heavy metals that are involved in the cancer makeup.

Cancer also thrives when the body is acidic. Therefore, I must drink and eat food that will bring my PH level to 7.2. This is the alkaline balance the body needs to fight disease.

For removing heavy metals I was prescribed Himalayan salt on a daily basis. Apparently the geometric shape of this crystallized salt matches the salt in our bodies and attaches itself to the metals and brings them out in the bodily wastes.

A juice made from the Acadia (pronounced "Ah-sigh-ah") berry tested extremely high on the EDS equipment for killing all parasites and came highly recommended. The name of this juice is Mona Vie.

A myriad of homeopathic formulas designed to destroy each individual organism was also prescribed for some of the other things detected in my body.

After an aggressive regimen of this treatment I was re-tested and cancer was no longer detected in my liver or in my bladder. There is still a small amount detected in my appendix area. It is thought that another round of formula and Mona Vie should take care of that.

Because I had to pursue this in such an aggressive manner, it was rather expensive. Many people would use expense as an excuse to not eat correctly or to not take the treatments, but the alternative (death) seemed more expensive to me. I could have taken the mainstream medical methods of chemo, pain meds and radiation and insurance would have paid for it, but I believe I would have been the one who paid for it in the end.

It is now beneficial to my body to use an organic diet to prevent more disease from overtaking me.

A young girl by the name of Bethany Hamilton was bitten by a shark while surfing and lost her left arm. I'm told that when she was taken to the emergency room, she commented to her mother, "I wonder how God is going to use this." This not only was a great attitude, but showed a great trust that God was still in control of her life.

I don't know how this will end for me, but I do know that I have done and continue to do what I believe God wants me to do. The rest is in his hands.

I believe that by relating my story, I can help other people who have cancer and not only those but also people who have other diseases that can be cured using these methods.

Every disease has an emotional component. I'll speak to this in the next post.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Roots and Grass?

As I mentioned earlier, organic eating seemed to me like a diet of roots and grass. It didn't help that the first thing I was given, other than reading material, was a detox tea that tasted like water left over from boiling roots. So I resolved that if I was going to change things, I'd have to train my taste buds accordingly and I wasn't looking forward to it. You might guess that my appetite suffered. I just wasn't excited about putting that stuff in my mouth.

As my education continued, Diane showed my sister and me just what organic food was all about. It turns out that my preconceived notion about the taste was wrong. The foods we brought home from the food store were just as tasty as anything I had eaten before and as a result, my appetite improved dramatically.

There are certain things that I absolutely have to avoid.
No fried foods, no red meat and no sugar.
Cancer thrives on sugar and I certainly didn't want that. This didn't mean that I just avoided adding sugar to my beverages or cereal. If you check the ingredients on labels you'll find that almost every food available has sugar added to it. I cannot even use sugar substitutes, with the exception of stevia, because of the carcinogenic nature of the things they use either directly in or in the making 'process' of the products. Fruits and vegetables that are not grown organically have chemicals and pesticides that have permeated the food and when eaten, actually poison the human body. I could go on and on about what has been allowed to be sold to the American public in the name of progress and the almighty dollar. I'll not do that right now, but if you get a chance to see a documentary titled "Food Inc." do it. It'll explain a lot.

Red meats are out because they are hard on the digestive system. Once the cancer has receded I can then allow myself a steak on occasion.

After I had been at this for a few weeks, I got a call from a friend of mine in Birmingham, Al. He told me about something called Electro Dermal Screening (EDS). He felt like it was a God thing that he found out about my cancer just as he got connected with the EDS people. He said they could use their equipment to find out what I had, where it was located and what to do about it. They had testimonials from people who had been cured from cancer and other diseases. It sounded a bit like hocus pocus to me, but I felt like it was worth checking out, so my sister Beth, Diane and I took a trip to Birmingham to check it out. I took Diane along because she knows a lot more about alternative medicine than I do and by now was an advisor that I trusted whole-heatedly.

Let me explain what EDS is.
It was first developed in Germany about 50 years ago. It is based on Chinese accupuncture in that it uses the body's energy patterns to diagnose a patient's organ dysfunctions even before the physical symptoms manifest themselves. It seems that each organ of the body has it's own frequency and can be measured in resistance. As a matter of fact, the orignal equipment used an ohm meter to measure the resistance. Over the years it has become computerized and more accurate as they have learned the frequencies, not only for each part of the body, but also for the parasites, toxins and metals that enter our bodies. They test each area of the body and look for any interruption of the measurable resistance for each area. If they find an interruption, they can then identify pathogens and toxins that are making the patient sick and ascertain what medicines, supplements and other remedies are helpful (or harmful) to the patient. It does all this quickly, inexpensively and non-invasively.

There is still considerable resistance to EDS in mainstream medicine in the United States because it is based on principles of quantum physics and traditions of energy medicine, which is not understood or taught in medical schools in the United States.

Let me say that after I was tested that first time, and I saw them locate the cancer in my body and tell me of other things that I had going on, now and in the past... I climbed aboard. I might add that Diane was also convinced that this was for real.

To be honest, I don't understand quantum physics myself, but I can attest to what EDS can do for a person with cancer. I will expound on this in a later post.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Decision Time

It is common knowledge that if you get cancer the only way to cure it is with chemotherapy and radiation. This is what we are taught by the medical society here in America. But I was told that, because my cancer is in stage 4, the final stage, even these methods would not cure it in me. All I could hope for was to prolong my life for about 2 years.

My family was very supportive during my stay in the hospital. They made sure that one of them was there 24 hours a day to make sure my needs were met. My sisters and brother, my brother-in-law and my daughters all took turns staying in my hospital room with me. Even my best friend, Diane, took a few turns to relieve my family when it was a struggle for them to stay.

I had always looked at Diane as something of a health nut because she was something of an expert about homeopathy remedies, which I knew little about. She had actually sent me to a man, named Jim Hill, about two years previously who used "iridology" to find out what was wrong with folks. He actually identified what turned out to be my cancer and if I had paid attention we could have caught the cancer in the very early stages. However, I just shrugged it off as someone trying to sell health food supplements and besides all he said was that it was a 'hot spot'. That didn't mean anything to me then and when Diane asked me what he found, I didn't find it important enough to even tell her about it. I just told her about the allergies he found. I regret now that I did not say anything to her about it because, knowing her, she would have bugged me about it 'til I did something.

So now... Diane now began in earnest to indoctrinate me in the ways of alternative medicine. She brought me food that she cooked from organic ingredients and brought me books to read. One book that she brought me was written by a woman who had battled cancer entitled "A Cancer Battle Plan" by Anne E. Frahm. I read this book with a hunger in me to find out how I could be cancer free again. She told of having had chemo therapy and radiation and even a bone marrow transplant. She told of how it made her so sick and robbed her of her energy until, because of the research she was doing, she began to connect the relationship between cancer and nutrition. I was intrigued, but the idea of eating stuff that tasted like roots and grass was not very appealing to me. Roots and grass was the idea I had in my head that organic food tasted like. I have found since then that the word 'organic' is not a mystical word, it simply means that the food was not grown with chemicals and pesticides and laced with human growth hormones and preservitives that gives the food a longer shelf life, but robs our food of its nutritional value. Organic foods can be as tasty as what I have been use to. However, I can tell you, you won't find it in a store with golden arches.

After I left the hospital I realized that I had lost about 80 pounds and my muscles had atrophied to the point that I found it hard to even walk. My sisters became my care givers, although a home health care nurse would come to the house 3 times a week to check on me. I moved into my sister Beth's house with her and my nephew Brandon. Little by little I began to gain strength... at least enough to walk with a cane, but I remained unable to drive myself for a long time yet.

I was still wrestling with the decision about chemo vs homeopathy when I had the opportunity to talk with my uncle Jack, who had been through chemo and radiation. After talking with him about what he went through I asked him if he had it to do over again would he choose the chemo. His response was an adamant 'NO'. That confirmed to me that my leaning toward the homeopathy was the correct one. If I was going to die, it wasn't going to be from being sick because the chemo killed all the good cells along with the bad ones, thus killing my immune system. However, if this was the road I was going to choose, it could not be a half-hearted effort. I had to follow the rules and that meant I had to get Diane to help me know what all those rules were. She was more than happy to help me and I began to get an education from her.

I knelt down and spoke to God, because I knew I wouldn't make it without his help, and told him that I was willing to fight this battle and trusted him to be there to take me though the fire.

What follows are the steps I took to fight this battle.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Why Me Lord?

It was a bit overwhelming to me, not only that so many things were happening to me back to back, but now I had a death sentence hanging over me. I began to sink into a depression and just wanted to sleep and not think about it.

They had once again taken me off of morphine and now would give me Dilaudid for pain instead. Most of my pain was now mental, but I would ask for more Dilaudid every time they would allow me to have it so that I could escape reality and sleep.

After a while, the Dilaudid effects would not last as long and I had to deal with reality during my waking hours. This was when I began to talk to God and ask him why this was happening to me. I even blamed God because I knew he could have prevented all this. After all, didn't he promise that once I became a christian that stuff like this would not happen to me? Didn't he say that he would be there for me? I was not ready to accept that this could be my fault and that I was in this condition because I didn't take care of my body. God was supposed to take care of me in spite of myself. I let anger start to control what was left of my life, not realizing the damage I was doing in the process.

Now it was time to repair the urethrae tube to stop the fluid from leaking into my abdomen at which point they could take the drainage tube out of my stomach.

The surgery was scheduled and performed quickly, but they wouldn't take the drainage tube out until they were sure the repair worked. So when they would get me out of bed and make me walk around, all my collection bags were hanging on the walker as a reminder to me that I was on the downhill slope. My anger increased. My thoughts were such that they were making me do things that I didn't want to be doing if I was just going to die anyway.

As it turned out, the repair did not work and I was forced to make the decision for the doctors to remove my left kidney. The surgeon that came to me with this decision was a pessimist and pointed out that with as little time as I had left to live, I wouldn't need both kidneys anyway. So I gave in and told them to go ahead and take the kidney. This came as good and bad news for me. The bad news was that I would lose a perfectly healthy kidney. The good news was that after the surgery would come stronger pain meds. I wanted to just sleep through it all and wake up dead.

I woke up one afternoon, from my Dilaudid induced sleep, to find the Gaither Homecoming show was on the TV. The Crabb family was singing and as I came more and more into awareness I began to pay attention. The song that they were singing was titled "Through the Fire".

I listened as the words spoke to me as though it was Jesus himself telling me that the "promises" I was blaming God for breaking, were not real. They were a false belief that I had come to that as a christian I was somewhat invulnerable to the bad stuff in this world. As I listened to the words to that song I began to realize that it just ain't so. God didn't promise anywhere that I could do whatever I wanted with my body and if I was a follower of Christ I would be protected.

The words are as follows:

He never promised the cross would not get heavy
and the hill would not be hard to climb

He never offered victory without fighting
but He said help would always come in time

Just remember when you’re standing in the valley of decision
and the adversary says give in

Just hold on, our Lord will show up
and He will take you through the fire again

I learned that afternoon that I was in a battle and that what I actually was in the process of doing was giving up. There arose in me a fighting spirit with the knowledge that God would come in time if I would just fight the battle. So that's what I determined to do.

I knew that I was not prepared yet to fight this battle, because I wasn't equipped with the knowledge I needed to fight with. I prayed to God that he would lead me to the knowledge I needed, especially since I had a decision coming up about Chemo therapy and possibly radiation.

I will deal with that decision in the next post as well as tell you about the folks God had already placed in my life to help me with the knowledge I needed.

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Beginning

It was Friday before Easter, 2009 and my life was completely routine.
Little did I know that the next morning would be the start of a battle that I was totally unprepared for.

I had given up my land line and was dependant on my cell phone for communication with anyone outside my home, however, lately my cell phone would not receive or transmit calls inside my home.

Therefore, when I awoke on Saturday morning, doubled over with pain in my abdomen, I could not call for help. However, I remembered that I had received a text message recently so I sent a cryptic text message to my brother Stan that simply said, "Help me!".

It had the desired effect and about 20 minutes later Stan came rushing in completely out of breath asking what was wrong.

Now it should be stated that I had a past history of heart problems and was grossly overweight, so he came in with the expectation that I was possibly having a heart attack.

When I told him what the problem actually was, he was unsure what to do but decided to stick around a while to monitor the situation. The pain continued for about 2 hours at which point I began to have "the runs". The pain was such that it was difficult for me to move around, but the situation called for me to get to the bathroom as soon as possible. Several times I didn't make it in time and poor Stan was left to clean up after me.

Saturday afternoon the pain subsided and I thought it was all going to pass, however, Sunday, Easter morning the pain was back with a vengeance. This time I couldn't get a response from Stan, so I texted my sister, Beth.

When she arrived, she called the rest of the family to find out what to do. It was then that I realized that I had not urinated in almost three days. When I told her that, she decided that I needed to go to the emergency room.

It was there that I was diagnosed with renal failure and scheduled for dialysis.

Things from that point are a bit of a blur for me as they dosed me with morphine and put me in a critical care unit. I went through dialysis twice before my kidneys started working again, however, by this time I was diagnosed with colitis.

The morphine was continued as the abdominal pain had returned and I was in and out of awareness of my surroundings. I recognized most of my visitors, but the morphine and the toxins in my body put me in an alternate reality. While I was aware of the actual reality, I was also seeing things that weren't actually there.

I became paranoid and thought that I was being held against my will and everyone was in on it. It was very strange, because as I became aware of the false reality, it would morph into something different that was just as real to me as the previous visions were.

The pain was such that they gave me a button to push that would shoot morphine into my IV to relieve the pain. The problem with this was that I was pushing the button without realizing what I was doing. I have been told that I had developed a twitch in my thumb that would push the button repeatedly. As a result, I OD'd on the morphine.

They stopped the morphine, but the hallucinations continued. I was watching my life being played out on TV, and the TV wasn't even on.

I don't know how long this lasted, but for me it was an eternity. Meantime they decided to do a colonoscopy to check things out and discovered that I had a cancer in my colon. It was decided that surgery was needed to remove the cancer and the family gathered in the waiting room.

After the surgery, the doctor came to the waiting room to tell the family that they could not remove it all and that it had spread to my bladder and my liver. It was determined that it was in stage 4 and I was given six months to live if I did not receive chemotherapy and two years to live if I did get the chemotherapy. They said that I was told this, but I don't remember it. My memory was that it was just a couple of spots and nothing was said about my mortality.

After giving me antibiotics to clear up the colitis and I recovered from the surgery, I was finally sent home to contemplate the decision to do the chemo or not. At this point I was leaning toward doing the chemo, because that's all the knowledge I had about my condition. However, before I could make the decision, the pain in my abdomen returned.

I was taken back to the hospital where they proceeded to put me through multiple tests to find out why I was in pain again. This went on for several days and my stomach area began to swell up. When the doctor would ask where the pain was located, I told him that it depended on which side I was laying on. When I would turn, it felt like I would slosh, which as it turned out was exactly what was happening.

They drained almost 8 liters of fluid from my abdomen and found that the fluid was urine. It seems that when the surgeon was cutting the cancer out that he accidentally cut the urethrae tube going from the bladder to my left kidney.

At this point the kidney doctor said that they could try to repair the tube, but he was not optimistic that the repair would be successful and he wanted to remove my kidney. He said that because of the short time I had left, it would not be of great consequence. Well, this was a surprise to me as it was the first time I became aware of the death sentence that I had been given. Needless to say it had a profound effect on my mental state. I had never considered my death in such a way as to have it close at hand. It wasn't that I thought I would live forever, but I thought I had plenty of time left.

I have not mentioned my relationship with God before now because it didn't seem as important as it now had become.

My battle within has now begun.