Monday, September 28, 2009

Treatment and Results

There are those who say and actually have testimonials of people who have been cured of cancer through diet. To do this they must stop eating foods that have had the nutritional value robbed from them by being 'processed'. These are foods that carry parasites and include heavy metals from chemicals, pesticides and fertilizers or meat that has human growth hormones and antibacterials added.

The other white meat (pork) has a plethera of parasites. Researchers at Florida State University, a number of years ago, placed pork under 7000 degrees (f) of heat. When placed under a microscope afterward, they found parasites still living in the meat. Also, pigs secrete their wastes through pores in their feet, but when these pores get clogged up (mud), the wastes back up into the meat. It's no wonder that God referred to pork as unclean. Bacon anyone?

Cancer has been described to me as being made up of parasites, heavy metals and bacteria banded together in the body. Modern medicine would refer to these as "malignant neoplasms".

I don't doubt some folks have been healed using diet, but to me it seems logical that you can't get rid of bad things in your body simply by not putting more bad stuff into it. So, while I believe an organic diet is a great preventive of disease, I believe there must be some way to get these negative invaders out of our bodies in order to heal. Then we can use diet to maintain.

Research has determined that each of these organisms has its own energy and frequency and can be identified using EDS. Once each has been identified, a treatment can be recommended to get it out or kill it.

Here are the things that have been recommended for me and how that is working for me.
In my case, we need to break up the parasites and heavy metals that are involved in the cancer makeup.

Cancer also thrives when the body is acidic. Therefore, I must drink and eat food that will bring my PH level to 7.2. This is the alkaline balance the body needs to fight disease.

For removing heavy metals I was prescribed Himalayan salt on a daily basis. Apparently the geometric shape of this crystallized salt matches the salt in our bodies and attaches itself to the metals and brings them out in the bodily wastes.

A juice made from the Acadia (pronounced "Ah-sigh-ah") berry tested extremely high on the EDS equipment for killing all parasites and came highly recommended. The name of this juice is Mona Vie.

A myriad of homeopathic formulas designed to destroy each individual organism was also prescribed for some of the other things detected in my body.

After an aggressive regimen of this treatment I was re-tested and cancer was no longer detected in my liver or in my bladder. There is still a small amount detected in my appendix area. It is thought that another round of formula and Mona Vie should take care of that.

Because I had to pursue this in such an aggressive manner, it was rather expensive. Many people would use expense as an excuse to not eat correctly or to not take the treatments, but the alternative (death) seemed more expensive to me. I could have taken the mainstream medical methods of chemo, pain meds and radiation and insurance would have paid for it, but I believe I would have been the one who paid for it in the end.

It is now beneficial to my body to use an organic diet to prevent more disease from overtaking me.

A young girl by the name of Bethany Hamilton was bitten by a shark while surfing and lost her left arm. I'm told that when she was taken to the emergency room, she commented to her mother, "I wonder how God is going to use this." This not only was a great attitude, but showed a great trust that God was still in control of her life.

I don't know how this will end for me, but I do know that I have done and continue to do what I believe God wants me to do. The rest is in his hands.

I believe that by relating my story, I can help other people who have cancer and not only those but also people who have other diseases that can be cured using these methods.

Every disease has an emotional component. I'll speak to this in the next post.


  1. John,
    Thanks for sharing your amazing journey. You are a witness to the power of prayer and faith in God. He uses our hurts and illnesses to strengthen us and bring us closer to Him. Also, the account of your positive experience with alternative medicine(EDS)will give hope to others battling cancer and other diseases. I pray that with every day that passes you continue to get stronger and ultimately cancer free. God is using you in a mighty way. Kathy

  2. John, this was a great article and I'm so grateful that you are sharing your experience so that others may benefit as well. Will you give me permission to add your link to my blogspot blog? Have you read the Emotion Code? You are absolutely right on with the emotional component. And how much value is a life worth? I've seen people spend probably more on house improvements than you've probably spent - and your body is a Temple, so you've been right on. May your continued journey not only bless you, but many as well.

  3. Gardenia, I would be honored to have you add my link to your blog.

    I have not read the Emotion Code, but I have read Deadly Emotions by Dr. Don Colbert, which I will be referencing in my next post.

    btw: What is your blog?

  4. Okay, no more pork. I've heard good things about that Acadia berry. Interesting stuff. So happy that it's working!! I look forward to reading about the emotional side. (I've really been trying to restrain myself from asking "so how does it make you feel?")
    ;) Love you Dad!
